music ministry

Bless us, O Lord, who lead thy praise.
What we sing with our lips help us to
believe in our hearts, and what we believe
in our hearts help us to practice in our lives;
for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Choristers Prayer - The Royal School of Church Music
The purpose of church music is to beautify the Church’s worship and to serve as an instrument for the praise and adoration of God. In the church’s music, every sentiment of the human heart is expressed and the unassailable bond between heaven and earth is realized. We believe, as Saint Augustine said, “He who sings prays twice.” When we sing, the word of God burrows down deep in our being.
The Senior Choir sings the liturgies of the Holy Eucharist, The Burial of the Dead, Evensong and an occasional Morning Prayer. The choir rehearses Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Our choir is made up of volunteers and two section leaders and provides anthems, canticles, hymns and Psalms in the Anglican tradition on Sundays during the academic year. Music reading and theory lessons are available for interested singers.
Our Trinity Band adds an informal touch to our service with a blend of gospel, praise, and contemporary music and instrumentals about once a month.
Exultate Deo Chamber Choir is an auditioned choir made up of the finest singers from the Tri-City area. They share a passion for great choral literature and liturgy. They sing Evensong in September, Lessons and Carols on the fourth Sunday of Advent, The Music of Holy Week on Palm Sunday and a Patriotic Program to celebrate the 4th of July. Other performances are scheduled as time permits. This is an ecumenical choir that includes many area church musicians and clergy.
Our Cantors lead us in singing the Psalms on most Sunday mornings. We also use Gregorian Psalm Tones and Anglican Chant from time to time. Please contact the office if you would like to try this.
Friends of Music at Trinity raise the funds to support our section leaders and offers other support to our musicians. They sponsor the receptions after our Evensong series and provide important hospitality at all of our events.
For information about joining the Senior Choir, Chamber Choir, Choristers, or Bell Choir contact the church office at 989-892-5813.
Music, as an essential ingredient in the spiritual life of the parish, expands our sense of the mystical in our worship of God and deepens our experience of common worship. Everything we do at Trinity is in the service of the God who has made us and redeemed us.
What we sing with our lips help us to
believe in our hearts, and what we believe
in our hearts help us to practice in our lives;
for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Choristers Prayer - The Royal School of Church Music
The purpose of church music is to beautify the Church’s worship and to serve as an instrument for the praise and adoration of God. In the church’s music, every sentiment of the human heart is expressed and the unassailable bond between heaven and earth is realized. We believe, as Saint Augustine said, “He who sings prays twice.” When we sing, the word of God burrows down deep in our being.
The Senior Choir sings the liturgies of the Holy Eucharist, The Burial of the Dead, Evensong and an occasional Morning Prayer. The choir rehearses Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Our choir is made up of volunteers and two section leaders and provides anthems, canticles, hymns and Psalms in the Anglican tradition on Sundays during the academic year. Music reading and theory lessons are available for interested singers.
Our Trinity Band adds an informal touch to our service with a blend of gospel, praise, and contemporary music and instrumentals about once a month.
Exultate Deo Chamber Choir is an auditioned choir made up of the finest singers from the Tri-City area. They share a passion for great choral literature and liturgy. They sing Evensong in September, Lessons and Carols on the fourth Sunday of Advent, The Music of Holy Week on Palm Sunday and a Patriotic Program to celebrate the 4th of July. Other performances are scheduled as time permits. This is an ecumenical choir that includes many area church musicians and clergy.
Our Cantors lead us in singing the Psalms on most Sunday mornings. We also use Gregorian Psalm Tones and Anglican Chant from time to time. Please contact the office if you would like to try this.
Friends of Music at Trinity raise the funds to support our section leaders and offers other support to our musicians. They sponsor the receptions after our Evensong series and provide important hospitality at all of our events.
For information about joining the Senior Choir, Chamber Choir, Choristers, or Bell Choir contact the church office at 989-892-5813.
Music, as an essential ingredient in the spiritual life of the parish, expands our sense of the mystical in our worship of God and deepens our experience of common worship. Everything we do at Trinity is in the service of the God who has made us and redeemed us.